
Welcome to my page(: have fun reading about my power and glory!!!

May 15, 2009

Me, Myself, and I

My name is Ezana of Axum.  I reigned over Axum in the 4th century A.D. from about 330-356A.D.  My father was Ella Amida, who passed down the kingdom, and my mother was Sofya.  My kingdom of Axum was already a strong well know kingdom along the Red Sea.  The positive thing about being on the edge of an important body of water helps with connections with other empires to increase trade.  The capital of Axum had goods from the interior of Africa sent through it for trade.  Some of these items included ivory, animal hides, gold and slaves.  My port-city Adulis was on the south western banks of the Red Sea.  Goods from the south came through this city for trade, some of the items found in this city were: iron, spices, precious stones and cotton cloth from India and places beyond.  Our empire connected to India and the Mediterranean world creating a triangular trade network.  
Although I was born into a polytheistic family, worshipping many deities, gods and goddesses, I was the first Axum king to convert the empire into Christianity. I was taught Christianity by Frumentius.  He was captured by my father, but tutored me while I was a young ruler.  I also appointed him to my court and he helped m convert my empire to Christianity.  I then made Christianity the religion of my Empire.
 I was also quite the conquerer.  Our empire had its eyes on the Kush, the home of the Nubians and also the southern part of Egypt.  But during my reign, about 350 A.D.,  was when my armies conquered these areas.  I also had the Ezana Stone written there with the accomplishments of my reign and the conversion to Christianity written on it.

My Accomplishments

Hey, I'm King Ezana.
I was the first Axum King to convert to Christianity. I also made Christianity the official religion of Axum. This strengthened my connections with many surrounding villages and regions until they converted to Islam. My people and I became isolated and cut off from our fellow Christians in Europe. Trade declined dramatically and much contact between the surrounding tribes halted. My people cannot even travel to the Holy Land because of conflicts with the Islamic people. They betrayed GOD by converting to Islam. May their souls burn in hell, while the souls of my people bask in the glory of Heaven. Frumentius, whom I captured, enlightened me to Christianity. He became my civil servent and I plan on making him the royal administator and tutor for the prince.
Another thing was how I increased the trade in my empire.  My port city of Adulis along the Red Sea connected Africa to the Mediterranean World and India.  I brought items such as silk, spices, precious stones and cotton cloth to my markets, while increasing the wealth of my kingdom by selling gold, slaves, and ivory.

My Homeland

I was born the son of King Ella Amida and Sofya.  That was in the Axum Empire.  The Axum Empire is located in modern day Northern Ethiopia.  My death is unknown but I ruled the Kingdom of Axum from 330 A.D. to 356 A.D.  

My everlasting Impacts on the World

I had the Ezana Stone created in my honor.  It was written in three languages; Greek, Sabaean, and Ethiopian Ge'ez.  On the stone was writtings about my conversion to Christianity and the empire's conversion.  It also has writings about my conquests and my victories over Kush and their cpital of Meroe.  With this people after me can maybe have a glimpse of my power and glory.
I also had the King Ezana Stele erected during my reign.  It is made completely made of stone and stands a mighty 70 feet tall.  These huge steles, most knocked down, marked the burial places of many royal people of the Axum Empire.